The answer here is different depending on the individual. We have written about some coding schools that we recommend. Check out those articles and consider which schools offer the most advantages to you.
This is another answer that is highly dependent on the individual who will be learning the language? What are your goals? Are you interested in front end web development or data science? Certain languages are great for specific tasks others are more versatile. Everyone must evaluate which one will be the best for them.
Our domain was actually purchased in auction to get a head start on authority and it happens to be the perfect combination of expert and opinion, which is what hope to offer in the area of programming.
This answer can vary greatly, but a quick Google search can give you some average salary estimates for different job related to programming. Programming is a skill that is in very high demand and will only continue to grow. That being said many companies are willing to pay very competitive salaries to attract talented programmers. Many programmers are recruited to companies straight out of a coding bootcamp.